Sunday 20 September 2009

Rumah Stroberi

this is a short review, that i went to the bandung, one of favorite place in indonesia...
enjoy it.....
this is a strawberry farm....
i'm so unlucky,when i was in there, no one was ready to harvest....


strawberry fried rice
so yummmieee....

poffertjes n strawberry juice

hot chocolate


  1. strawberry fried rice! looks and sounds very exotic to me!! the one I was drooling over was poffertjes n strawberry juice:) YUMMYYY

  2. woah! ^^ so delicious! tapi jauhhh.. udah mau ke arah lembang... nanjaknya gak kuat.. jauh banget..hehe.. ^^
    about the loreal products you mentioned in my blog.. I think it depends on your skin, it's meant for combination oily skin.. It's a like a water drop to your skin, gel to water formula..
    It's fast-absorb and make your skin supple.. ^^

    about the sunscreen, I'm having trouble with waterproof formula, cause it's drying me up.. >_<
    So I guess I better stick to this, it's like a lotion.. ^^


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